Friday, May 16, 2008

Kansas City, Nelson Atkins Museum

The new Nelson Atkins wing, by Steven Holl, Architect, is great.

It has a lot of contemporary painting.

(see last year post at right)

This Katz and Freilecher were a big surprise.

Katz has a great presence at the Carnegie Museum also.

This Benton is great, archetypal of the place like the Bingham at St Louis..

St Louis Art Museum

Emblematic of St Louis and the Mississippi.

Nothing that different here from last year.

The Monet in St Louis is part of the panel in Kansas City and another in Cleveland.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Indianapolis Museum of Art

I blogged this museum last year and liked the same things, here are some photos.

Rodin and Sol Lewitt.

This African burial fabric reminded me of early Tuttle.

Mary Heilmann at Wexner Center, Columbus Ohio

Mary's show looks great and the just opened show was buzzing with people. Photography is not allowed, so here are some bootlegs shot from the hip.

Sorry not to have any good photos but this show should look really great at the New Museum, next September!

Columbus Museum of Art

Columbus has these great early modern works and usually have good contemporary art on view.

Hartley, Dove, Birchfield, and O'Keffee.

They have alot of George Bellows as he is from Columbus but not much on view now.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Carnegie International 2008, Pittsburgh,Pa

I liked this image by Paul Thek.

I remember Thek from Brooke Alexander shows in early 80's.

Meant to say something here about the International but the permanent collection is more remarkable.

This Stuart Davis is amazing, better than he is represented with in NY. I would think his work should be re evaluated in the scheme of things.

Just four amazing images of boats. Seem as though they purport to mean more than they are accredited with.

As an aside to the show at the Met of Delacroix. I wonder at the lineage of this strange image that Corot, Delacroix and Cezanne, share. Itt culminates in Balthus.

Here it is in Cezanne again.

Then what is better than this Marsden Hartley?

This Puvis de Chavannes looks alot like Giotto.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tom Nozkowski Show at Pace Wildenstein

A good show in Chelsea.

I was reminded of a Chas Garabedian painting.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Getty's Sculpture, is I guess back to Italy.

I saw this two years ago at the Getty . Something seemed strange about it and Ive been wondering since. It is hard to see art in California as everything there on the edge of History is lightweight.

The head is re-attached and is strange. But I guess it is now something else. Strange and beautiful.

These sculptures are exhibited as if they were representative of Greek or Roman Sculpture. Only at closer look do they say reproduction.

There are more posts about this in August 07, at right.

NY Metropolitan Museum's Roman Sculpture

This rather humble ruin with the straight line from crotch to foot, has been my favorite at the Met since Paul Georges drew my attention to it in the 1970's.

I thought these were interesting as the one I saw in British Museum. But not nearly, see below.

Parthenon Sculpture

The Elgin Marbles are very abstract. A form that suggests eternal.

This sculpture really hit me, reminded me of something at the Met in NY, but returning to the NY the sculpture it is not nearly as amazing as this.