One doesn't want to knock what one has loved for so long. A change though has happened.
Marden all of a sudden seeming the realist abstractionist.
Kind of precious-- almost smugly right-- though finally, the Classic.
There is a hyper reality that Wool charged forth with to beat it, easily scrubbing spray paint, it quickly seemed a more direct surface, but a strange process has been at work
Maybe familiarity and the pedestal it all is set upon; Christopher now suffers the same malady.
Maybe it is just History. The Morandi's must have seemed over produced at some point.
Actually someone said they thought many of the Morandi's were fake.
Heilmann now has the mantel of the one out in front.
This has all been happening for some time. I think it is her hyper-- simulacrum like a fake too easy painting-- which just does it with no pretention.
Marden's paintings look as though, we have stepped into a very expensive elegant shop.
There should be an Asian sculpture to complement, maybe?
No, but one likes that sort of thing, though it seems ensconced.
Or was that a Jasper Johns?