Friday, November 14, 2008

Harlequin Diamonds

There is a Chia show at Charles Cowles. Haven't seen one in years.

It picks up the idea of Harlequin in art, or Arte I should say, through Cezanne. The idea permeates his work, in I guess what would be called an Imaginative poetic manner. I wish he would slow down a bit, the work seems borderline and so commercial?

Commedia del Arte is what I was reaching for. It figured big in Picasso by way of the Theater and Dance stage decoration.

There are some other posts from Europe about Derain I saw at La Orangerie. ( They seem to have been deleted?)

This all culminates in J. Johns.

I made diamonds, myself, as reference to an Ideal likened to the height of the sun, as figure, in 1990.

There is much more to it, but..

I was refering to Wallace Stevens and his jangling regalia of diamonds in the Notes towards a Supreme Fiction.

"I call you by name, my green, my fluent mundo.
You will have stopped revolving except in crystal."

Funny that I should pick that phrase--

"summer, jangling the savagest diamonds"

from Examination of a Hero in a time of War, by Stevens, was more what I meant.

Here's Johns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this was my first time that i have visited you article and it is awesome ..