Thursday, September 13, 2007


A Richard Serra sculpture is elemental and mythic. One feels the weight as ones mortality.

The curve is a mythic shape of the Illiad and a shadow of the Greek form of war. There is a blackness like Achilles "black look." The sculpture slices through space like the boat on the sea of Oddyseus. They are a metaphor for the weight of pure form heightened by the memory of-- echoing, to some origin.

The weight is like a history containing all shape and weight, a color of memory that doesn't get in the way of remembering.

It is like a Pollock whose form takes one to the stars. A Keifer that wonders of that same depth. A Newman that hails that same, vertical moment of eternity.

They are scary and one wants to get out of the way. They are a part of our best art and they leave so much behind.

The photos are from Ft Worth Museum of Modern Art, Texas and Pulitzer Foundation, St Louis.

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