Saturday, August 18, 2007

Carnegie Museum of Art

It's not as easy to stop in Pittsburgh. You have to drive a half hour off the Turnpike and the roads go up hills and down winding around and I got lost numerous times.

So part of the judging is was it worth it? I was surprised as I'd been here before but I guess under distracting circumstances, a Carnegie International show back in the eighties and then besides a wedding, we rushed through.

Yes, that is another Sol Lewitt.

Right off a surprise. A Joe Zucker from back in 1978.

I thought I knew the Museum but not even a bit.

Like this Monet.

They have twice the interesting things as anything I visited this trip.

At first I was disconcerted as I entered the Renaissance galleries all painted a steel wedgewood like blue.

And then this salon style? I figure a toss up as to be able to present more but look where this Ryder, a premier painting in America hangs!

But the there are astounding examples, a Stuart Davis which should have changed his place in History. The walls were a greyer blue now which felt good.

A Rothko that I havent seen look this good anywhere.

Alex Katz a just natural here, and then again beside a Keifer!

Well that was great.

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